
Tabletop Game Writing, Editing, and More

Looking for a little flavor text to punch up your game? Need Kickstarter or social media copy to help draw eyes to your latest project? Maybe you just want a quick round of proofreading or editing to catch any lingering issues before going to print. Whatever you need, Leafy Dragon Games can help. Check out the list of services by clicking the menu at the top.

Leafy Dragon Games is built on the idea that tabletop games are experiences. Each play is unique, the product of both the game itself and the people gathered around the table. The language we use to build those experiences matters. If a typo or a confusing rule prevents the players from seeing the game’s potential, the experience suffers. Without appealing descriptions of the game’s setting and gameplay to help your project stand out from the pack, it may not even make it to the table.

Hiring a professional, polished writer for your game ensures that your hard work has the support it needs to shine. Take a look at the list of services today to see what Leafy Dragon Games can do for you.

Leafy Dragon Games can also assist with:
  • Designing
  • Playtesting